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Stay informed and up to date with the events organised directly or indirectly at the Footwear Museum. The Woman in the best shoes Award, Footwear Congresses, school visits, awards ceremonies, exhibitions... any kind of event in the Footwear Industry, information about which you can find in this section.
Ceremony of delivery of toys and solidarity shoes to the children of Emaus Elda, and their families.
Thursday December 28, 2023 at 11 a.m.
Santa Claus, together with the children participating in the Drawing Contest, have been the protagonists of our awards ceremony for the "Christmas in Shoes III" drawing contest.
Christmas is approaching, the period of preparation for these endearing Holidays begins, and the Footwear Museum is once again holding our Christmas postcard contest. Participate!
Link to the Tresors amb Historia program dedicated to Elda, recorded at the "José María Amat Amer" Footwear Museum.
We grow in Funds full of Melody thanks to the donation of the shoes of the ADDA symphony orchestra director of Alicante.