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Stay informed and up to date with the events organised directly or indirectly at the Footwear Museum. The Woman in the best shoes Award, Footwear Congresses, school visits, awards ceremonies, exhibitions... any kind of event in the Footwear Industry, information about which you can find in this section.
Closing event of the exhibition 29 Afghan Looks. Monday, February 26 at 8:00 p.m.
One more year the Footwear Museum and the Central Board of Moors and Christians of Elda collaborate to enhance footwear as an exponent of an industry. Until February 2025, the shoes displayed in the Calzado Festero showcases will be those of the Captains and Standard Bearers, both adults and children, from the past 2023 festivities, thus representing not only their Comparsas, the Festival, and the Footwear Industry. Friday, February 23 at 8:00 p.m.
Exhibition of paintings by Italian artists curated by Enzo Trepiccione until January 31, 2024.
We dedicate December and Christmas to a very special artist, Carmen Castaño, a lifetime dedicated to painting, with a very special style, and an evolution that we can discover in the temporary exhibition hall until January 7. Inauguration Saturday, December 2.
Visit of the Department of Industry.
The "José María Amat Amer" Footwear Museum renews the 'Q' Mark certificate, a quality badge for the Spanish tourism sector, awarded by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), already obtained in 2020.