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Stay informed and up to date with the events organised directly or indirectly at the Footwear Museum. The Woman in the best shoes Award, Footwear Congresses, school visits, awards ceremonies, exhibitions... any kind of event in the Footwear Industry, information about which you can find in this section.
One more year we collaborate with the Comparsa Huestes del Cadí in the 43rd Edition of the Minicuadros Huestes del Cadí Contest.
Tribute to a businesswoman. Remedios Payá will become part of that cast of women that we try to rescue from oblivion. Enterprising, hard-working, brave, courageous and forgotten. The event is at the Footwear Museum, which hosts and promotes this initiative. The tribute to these women attempts to repair the neglect they have suffered over the years, a joint action between the ACAE Footwear Museum and the Tertulia.
25 Years of the Footwear Museum, center of Art, Culture, Fashion, Tradition. Friday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m.
New publication from the Footwear Museum, "More than Shoes. Shoes that leave a mark" by Teresa Jover.
The students of Vocational Training in Pattern Making and Fashion organize a 20th century fashion show with models designed and made by themselves. Wednesday, February 28, 6:30 p.m.
More than 70 representatives from the world of photography, cinema, literature, journalism, sociology, sports and even the judiciary collaborate in 29 views, an exhibition in favor of Afghan women. Among the photographs, the participation of Vicente Esteban stands out. Until February 26 at Hall Museo del Calzado.