Footwear Museum Jose María Amat Amer



At the center of certain teachings of Tibetan Buddhism of the Old School (Nyingmapa School), we can find the symbol of the mirror as one of the most important pillars on which the set of all their knowledge and knowledge is based. The practitioners and adherents of this school (the Dzogchenpas) understand that the mirror, in its own essential nature, is absolutely pure, innocent, and that it is only concerned with returning the unaltered reflection of everything that is placed before it. The mirror does not lie.

The work of Paco Piñera has reminded me of those knowledge and of those distant lands of high mountains where water drips through an air as clean and pure as the surface of a mirror, precisely. It is from this perspective that I have come to the conclusion that the images returned by the mirrors that Paco looks at are very close to the beauty and love to which every human being aspires or should aspire. And in particular the artist.

What we will be able to contemplate in this magnificent exhibition is a work of "artisan and / or artistic engineering", a clean, neat, methodical work, with a diverse theme, pampering the distribution and combination of color by playing with the iridescent surface on which it rests. the light as a sleeping holy beast. A work that borders on the meditative act, achieved with silent strokes of enamel, and that requires a concentration worth taking into account if you want to dive into the ins and outs of light and achieve what Paco achieves by doing so: simplicity, love, beauty.

The truth is that I would love to be able to see the face that Eva and Adam would undoubtedly put on when trying to see their faces in the mirror and falling astonished into the realization that what is reflected there is the atmosphere of an old and legendary rock group. Or that of Mark Knopfler when he went to shave after breakfast and was absorbed and transported to the arabesque of the floor of one of those palaces that are related in the thousand and one nights. Or, without going any further, I myself trying to understand in front of the mirror the enigma of my face as a poor tired idiot and find that of a John Lennon in the prime of life ... How wonderful! How much originality! What a joy! How good the reflections that Paco gives away after squeezing the udder of light and purity! I can only say ... Congratulations, cousin!

Pedro Piñera Arenas

Cieza, March 21, 2021